Fat doesn't take a holiday.
I said this MONTHS ago and learned the hard way by a 4 pound gain. It is incredible to me how it can take weeks to lose 4 pounds and 4 days to gain it back. I haven't logged on to Myfitnesspal in God knows how long and just worked out for the first time in over a week today. I felt it too.
My wonderful mother got me Dance Central 2 for Christmas and I played a 50 minute workout mode today. Holy carp. By the end of it, I felt like I ws going to die. Either this game grossly underestimates calories burned or Just Dance exaggerates it because it said I only burned 186 calories whereas after 50 minutes of Just Dance, I would have burned at least 300. Moral of the story: I need an HRM so I can just calculate it myself. Likely not going to happen for some time.
After this gain, I came to the realization that in order to hit my Comicon 2013 goal of the end of January, I'd have to lose weight at an unhealthy rate at this point. Also, I've been thinking that I have become obsessed with the food thing to the point that it was all I could think about. What's the point of becoming physically healthy if your mind is gone? So I told Nick that Comicon wasn't worth my mental and physical health, so he asked me what would be healthy. About 2 pounds a week makes around 18.5 weeks. So we made a new goal.
Star Wars Day, May 4, if I hit my ultimate goal of 150, we will go to Comicon 2013. I feel this is doable and I am excited to get back on track in the morning.
Here we go again!