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Monday, November 28, 2011

Post-Thanksgiving Weigh-In 11/28/11

The scale. I have never had a success after a holiday, but Comicon 2013 depends on it. I was really good on Thanksgiving, but have had a couple bad days too. Had a good workout with my brother last night, but didn't workout at all on could go either way.

I step on the scale and watch the zeros cross the screen as it tries to figure out my weight. 188.2. A loss of 3.8 lbs! Over Thanksgiving week! Woo hoo! 28.2 lbs to go until Comicon 2013!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tot Spot Cafe

This has absolutely nothing to do with my WLJ, but I just wanted to recommend the Tot Spot Cafe to any Mama who is needing a rest and a good cup of coffee.  I'm having to wait around for Nick to get off work for his half day and decided to try this place out.  It has a huge play area with a babysitter and she just plays and plays while I get to sit at a table and watch her and blog...$6/hour or $10/day and the coffee is really good.  I'm sitting here indulging in an Egg Nog Latte while she's playing at a car table saying "happy dappy" over and over again.

In relation to my WLJ, I cleaned for literally 6 1/2 hours yesterday and worked out for about a half hour.  Our house is pretty much spotless and I'm completely caught up on my laundry.  I ate fairly well and actually burned quite a few calories just cleaning yesterday.

Today is crazy busy with the wait for Nick, picking up Mom, finishing the shopping, Youth Group, and starting the cooking tonight.  I have no eating plan for the day, which is terrifying.  This is the kind of day where the Fast Food Monster kicks the temptation into high-gear and tries to get me.  It already started!  I couldn't believe the temptation has ALREADY started and the day has barely begun.

ooo...if I buy a large meal from McDonald's, I'll get a free Coca Cola glass!

Is it really worth it?  A Coca Cola glass?

They're so cool!

Really?  Are we really having this discussion right now?  Do I really need to even ask?

Ugh...I know, I know...Comicon 2013 or a Coca Cola glass?

That's right...and the answer is...

But I'll HAVE to eat at SOME point!

And the answer is?

Comicon 2013.

Good girl.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

All Work and No Play...


This is what I thought in my head this morning as I woke up realizing that today I have to do ALL the cleaning by Thursday.  Tomorrow I'm driving Nick to work, completing some shopping, picking up Nick, picking up Mom, and starting the cooking for Thursday, so there will be no time tomorrow...

Upstairs, downstairs, toilets, laundry, time for Just Dance today...

Hold it...

What?  There's NO time!

There will be time this evening.

But I'll be SO tired!

Really?  I feel like we have this conversation all the time.

We do.

OK, then.  What am I about to say?

Fat doesn't care that you're "too busy" to work out.  But...what about Bear's bedtime?

She does just fine waiting up for you.  She was even super happy last night while you cuddled as a family on the couch watching Scare Tactics and Urban Legends on SyFy...I still can't believe they renamed it that...arg. win.  I'll work out after all the cleaning is done.

In my case, all work and no play makes Katie a large lady.  Having this big house is a big blessing in a lot of ways, but it really sucks being the only family out here right now.  I miss my family, I'm out in the middle of nowhere all alone most of the day (sometimes quite late in the day if Nick is consulting), and I clean...a lot.  When I don't clean, it sucks even worse because the work piles up and then I have more to do than if it was maintained.  Since I was so sick last week, I didn't clean and now we have 17 people coming out here to our home on Thursday and the place isn't anywhere near ready.

My little bugaboo is certainly a good help, though.  No, she doesn't do the dishes or fold the clothes or pick up her toys, but she is so independent and happy, she makes my cleaning work a little easier.'re stalling now.

Yeah, I know.

Get to it!

OK!  OK!  Pushy much?

*grins a bossy grin*

Monday, November 21, 2011

Weigh-In 11/21/11

I stood staring at the scale.

I can't do it...I don't want to know.  Yesterday was horrible.

You HAVE to do it.  Today is Weigh-In Day.

Can't I do it tomorrow after I've had a chance to fix what I did?


"Ugh."  I stepped on the scale and watched the zeros cross the display from left to right a couple times...I felt like I was on The Biggest Loser, waiting on the number.  It felt so long, even though they only crossed the screen twice.  192.  *sigh*  A 3.2 lb gain.

Stupid!  Stupid!  Stupid!  After all that talk about Fat not taking a sick day and pushing through and all that jazz, I blew it!  Kyoto AND McDonald's?!?!  Are you kidding me? you had a gain.  This happens.  If it were easy, it wouldn't be a "journey," it would be a one-way path with no turns or curves.

Oh shut up! *punches will-power* OW!

I learned my lesson last my new helmet?


I'm just SO angry with myself.  I've been so sick and I pushed myself SO hard to work out and watch what I ate up until the bad news at the dentist's office.  I mean...really?!?!?  Did I really think this would NOT be the results?  No.  But one can hope to maintain despite bad  I was going to take a break today from moving about, but this just solidifies that Fat doesn't take a break.  The hibachi food and Double Quarter Pounder are sitting on my abs...I can feel it...and they need to go away.  I will dance them away and be back down under the 190's next Monday despite Thanksgiving!  Mark my frakking words!

Comicon 2013Starting Weight: 194
Current Weight: 192
Comicon 2013 Goal Weight: 160
Pounds to Lose: 32
Pounds Per Week: 3.2 (yikes!)

Friday, November 18, 2011

No One Ever Listens to Katie...Even Katie

I knew it was going to be bad.  The past few times at the dentist, they've told me about issues that I just couldn't afford to fix and now the poo was going to hit the fan...I just knew it...and I was right.

Let me just say that despite the horrible news I received, this was the BEST experience at the dentist I've ever had.  The people at Monroe Family Dentistry are amazing, kind, and professional and had a way of presenting the difficult news that didn't turn me into a crying mess.  haha.

Standing at the counter after my appointment with Nick and Bear, we heard all the work that needed to be done and the money it was going to cost us.  I know all Nick was hearing was "ka ching ka ching ka ching..."  "Just do it all," he says

"ALL of it?" I reply.

"Yes.  Let's just get all the issues taken care of once and for all."

"Ok...Let's schedule it."

"This will mean no Comicon 2012 because of the cost, but it doesn't rule out Comicon 2013.  If you hit the goal we set by the end of January, we'll go in 2013."

My heart sank to my stomach.  No Comicon 2012!?!  But...But...Doctor Who is celebrating its 50th year next year!  I'm sure it's going to me more marvelous than EVER!  Extreme disappointment settled in me.

I scheduled all the work to be done in February 2012 (yay...going to be in SO much pain that month).  A root canal, 4 cavity fillings, and 3 wisdom tooth removals.  Ugh.

"Check the glove compartment.  I knew you were going to be disappointed, so I put something in there for you," Nick says.

I find $60 happy monies in there.  Well, that's something...then temptation struck...

"Also, I'm giving you the choice of either going out to dinner or going home.  It's up to you where we go."

Don't give in!  You still have Comicon 2013!  Don't let this derail....

Oh shut up! *punches will-power out*  She should be out for a while.

"Let's go to Red Robin.  I want a hamburger."

"Are you sure?" Nick asked.

"Yes!  Go!"

I knew I didn't have much time before will-power would kick in and stop me.  We got there.  Ordered fried cheese sticks and fried zucchini with ranch to start and the Bleu Ribbon Cheeseburger and sweet potato fries for my meal...still not a peep from will-power.

Nick and I shared the appetizer.  Mmmmm...It has been SO long since I've had fried food.  I let it linger on my tongue.  The wonderful mix of cheese, fried breading, and ranch dressing made my taste buds dance.  Then came the burger.  It was so nommilicious!  Spicy and tangy and the sweet potato fries were so sweet and salty and...oh...what is that?

I got about three-quarters of the way done when I started to feel tummy reacting to the abuse I just handed it.  I quickly scarfed down the rest of my burger before

What's going on?  Where am I?  RED ROBIN?!?!?  What are you doing?

I should have listened to you.  I'm feeling the pang of guilt...and tummy-ache.

No one ever listens to Katie...'re the side of me no one ever listens to.  It's almost irresistible to ignore you.  I'm sorry.  It won't happen again.

That's what they all say.  Listen to this, at least:  It's OK to have a treat every once in a while, but not when it's a result of an emotional situation and not when you know you have no control over yourself.  Emotional eating is not controlled eating.  Eat a fry every once in a while.  Have a bite of a burger.  Heck!  Have a burger, but not one laced with fatty meat, cheese and fried onion strings!

I don't even want to know how many calories I just consumed.

I don't either.

So I can't turn back time and change what happened last night, but I CAN learn from it and make sure it doesn't happen again.  I still have Comicon 2013 as a goal to get to and I DID get $60 out of the deal, so it's not a total bust.  Back on the horse again today.  Going to work out even though I feel like crap and have no voice. 

I'll tell you what, on that note.  I have a special empathy now for those who are mute and have babies transitioning into toddlerhood.  It is very difficult to communicate anything to her.  Luckily, I've been teaching her the hand sign for "all done" at meals, so I at least have that, but I'm going to be chasing her all day.  Mutes, I feel for you!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fat Doesn't Take a Sick Day

*open eyes*

"Ugh...I can't breathe still and my throat hurts...I feel worse than yesterday"

I've been sick since Monday this week and it's been manageable.  My doc says it's a cold and it'll run it's course so that's great...yay for not having to pay for a prescription!  However, it's made working out increasingly difficult.  It's difficult to boogie when you have boogies running down the back of your throat and out your nose...sorry...TMI.

I did fine on Monday.  Danced and stepped for an hour.

I did ok yesterday.  Danced and stepped for a half hour.

Today, I crapped out for most of the day.  I didn't want to do it.  I tried stepping while watching The Biggest Loser that I recorded last night, but only lasted 15 minutes.  I did the dishes and folded Bear's laundry and decided I wasn't going to try anymore.  Ate some Cup Noodles and finished off the Costco Cheesecake in the fridge (880 calories...I regret that one).  I rested and took a nap when Bear slept.  Then when I woke up, that pesky inner voice started in on me...

Seriously?  You're just going to lay around all day and eat junk food.

I didn't eat a lot of junk food.

880 calories is a lot!

OK...OK...I'll give you that.  I just feel so awful.

Fat doesn't take a sick day.


Fat doesn't take a sick day.  Do you think your fatty fat body cares whether you're sick or not?  Do you think that cheesecake is just going to poop out and your weight won't be effected at all just because you're sick?  Get off your butt, change Bear's diaper, give her a snack, and get your booty shaking.'re right.

So I pulled my butt out of bed, changed Bear, gave her a snack and did my Just Dance workout.  I had to hydrate more often than normal during my workout, but I still completed it.  I worked off enough calories to burn off one piece of cheesecake (440 calories) and I feel good about it...wasn't easy, though.  I was ready to just turn in for the day.  Lesson for the day: Fat doesn't take a sick day.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Weigh-In 11/14/2011

Today is WI day and I lost 3.2 lbs last week. 

That brings me to 5.8 lbs out of 34 for Comicon, leaving 28.2 left to go.  I started out needing to lose a little over 3 lbs per week to get there and now it's just under 2.5 lbs per week.

I have lost 53.8 lbs on my WLJ so far to date.

Comicon here I come!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Good Going!

Here I am with this ludicrous goal ahead of me and it is HARD!  I've managed to pull myself out of the 190's (unofficially...weigh-in is tomorrow).  It's been surprisingly easy even with going out until today for some odd reason.

We went to Ivar's in Mukilteo, an amazing seafood restaurant.  I'll just get something grilled...this will be no problem at all, I thought to myself.  And I DID pick a great option, quite easily.  A salad topped with smoked salmon, smoked scallops, and bay shrimp with mixed greens, avocado, tomato, hard-boiled egg, and bleu cheese. (No dressing ;) )

Then the bread came...wonderful, warm sourdough buns. It's're not big on bread anyway.

But then it got worse.  The clam chowders came out for everyone else at the table.  Clam chowder is one of my favorites, ESPECIALLY Ivar's clam chowder.  Maybe just ONE bite won't hurt...

No!  Don't do it!  You are not capable of having just ONE bite and you know it!


Oh! How the wonderful smell of the chowder filled the air.  The sounds of "mmmms" and "this chowder is SO good" surrounded me.  Maybe just a cup...

The cup of chowder or Comicon?

Comicon... *grumble grumble grumble*

Finally!  Lunch arrived!  I can see my salad and it looks delicious, but...what's this new aroma?  Fried fish...fried prawns...fried clams...fried onions...and...french fries...I am going to die... are going to Comicon.

*grumble grumble grumble*

"I think I need more tartar sauce." "I love the fried fish here." "Can I have some of your fries?" "Can I have your crouton?" "Are you going to finish that?" "Katie, are you ok?"

"Huh? salad is SO good!"

Fish and chips smell so good right now...


I know it's coming now, especially since there were plans for our friend to propose to his girlfriend in her dessert.  "Would you all like some dessert menus?" "YES," rings across the table. Ugh.

It comes, he proposes, she says yes, and we're all happy and clapping.  "YAY!" "Congratulations" "We're so happy for you" "This dessert trio is too big for the two of us...we're sharing with the table."

!!!!Seriously!!!!  Holy canoles I can't win!  I didn't order a dessert and now it's being offered to me.

"It's just one bite...come on..."  "No thank you...I'm not capable of one bite...hahaha"



The dessert slowly, but surely disappears without my assistance and I feel SO proud of myself for sticking to it today at lunch.  If I can survive that, I can survive anything!  And so can you!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Motivation Anyone?

In January, Nick, Bear, and I are heading to Wisconsin for a few weeks while he does some teaching for his work.  The result will be a fairly major bonus.  Yesterday, I asked him via text if we could go to Comicon with some of the money.  "We will see" was his response.

Following a spectacular evening seeing Toy Story 3 on Ice with Julie (mother-in-law), Emily (sister-in-law), Champ (nephew), and Bear, Nick and I had a chat about it.

"What's your ultimate goal weight?" he asks.

"150," I reply.

"Wow...that's a lot.  Here's the deal.  You want motivation and you want to go to Comicon?  Get down to 160 by the end of January and we'll go to Comicon.  That way we're BOTH working toward it."  he says.

"Great idea!  And a blue dress so I can make a TARDIS costume" I excitedly respond.

"Okay," he chuckles.

Now, that's 34 lbs away from my weight on Monday, so it's a fairly loftly goal.  But I REALLY want to go to Comicon...bad...This is probably the best motivation he could have come up with.  If I hit goal and we go, I'm totally camping out to go into the Doctor Who panel!

Friday, November 4, 2011


Leftovers...these are the worst kind.  Not dinner leftovers, but leftovers from Pastor's Appreciation Sunday, namely a cheesecake, and Halloween candy.  Both are in my house right now.

I noticed the cheesecake in there right before bed Sunday evening.  It's Nick's favorite, so my in-laws left it for him.  It was purchased with him in mind, afterall.  I'm not mad, but I know this is going to be a long week, especially with the remembrance that the next day is Halloween.  What am I going to do?  I've really been struggling the last few months.  Every time a cake or crumble or pie or cookies have been left here, I've pretty much devoured them all by myself throughout the week.  I really should have gained more than 10 lbs over the last couple months.

All night, I toss and turn, disappointed in myself for the way things have been with my diet and trying to block the sweet voice of the cheesecake calling out for me.

ENOUGH! I think to myself.

I've had enough of this!  Food consuming me instead of me consuming it!  My goodness!  I'm a 27-year-old woman who has been through more than most my age and I'm letting this...CRAP...control my life!  I mean, really?!?!  Losing sleep over a frakking cheesecake being in my fridge?!?!  That's ridiculous!

As soon as I got up, I walked up to my white board...setting pounds lost goals isn't working...what to do?  Then it hit me.  I write: "Goal for the week: Do not eat the cheesecake".  Good.  I'll have to look at that every morning, afternoon, and night.

What about Halloween?  Goodness gracious.  We're taking Bear trick or treating and she's not old enough for most candy.  I know it will be hanging out in a basket.  I look frakking AWESOME in my costume despite my dismal failure and Bear is adorable and Nick is still protesting costumes until I'll let him buy a $700 Storm Trooper costume (keep dreaming, darling).  We meet up with our friends Dan, Rachel, and their 6-month-old Clara (cute little ducky) and we head out the door.  Door after door give us candy even though they know it's not our babies that will be eating it.  Some give out handfuls saying they haven't seen any all night and some even give us full-sized-candy bars.

When we get back to my in-laws' house, we give a lot of Bear's candy to Champ, since he's older and can enjoy it, so that brings it down quite a bit, but there is still some left.  I decide I'll let myself enjoy some candy until Wednesday, then no more.  3 fun-sized Snickers, fun-sized Almond Joy, full-sized dark chocolate Dove bar, several fun-sized boxes of Dots, and a mini Haribo gummy bears spread through Monday evening and Tuesday.

So here we are...Friday.  How have I done this week?  I am PROUD to report that I have had NO cheesecake since the Potluck on Sunday and NO candy since Tuesday!  I've also consistently been working out and tracking on myfitnesspal.  I feel so good!  Another thing I've been doing to curb my sweet tooth is indulging in a cup of hot chocolate every morning.  It's not that bad, especially made with water and I have no desire to partake in sweets for the rest of the day.

We have lots of work in the yard to do tomorrow because we had to bring down 8 more trees, so I'll be burning TONS of calories tomorrow.  I'm looking forward to the weekend for the first time in a long time because I feel I've once again conquered food and can enjoy the company of my family without fretting about the food.  Weigh-in on Monday should be good!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The End of Weight Watchers For Me

Well, Halloween is over.  I ended up +10 instead of -20 for my goal, but was still able to fit into a NORMAL size costume!

Unfortunately, this also means The End of Weight Watches for me.  I want to make sure you know this is not a reflection of Weight Watchers.  I have had a TON of success on the program and highly recommend it.  If I get into a better financial place in the future and I still need to lose weight, I will rejoin, but hopefully I'll be nice and healthy by the time that happens.

I haven't blogged lately because there has been a lot of construction going on and it has blocked me from being able to tether the internet from my phone.

I will continue to blog here at my new blog for those of you who are interested in continuing to follow my progress.  Bless you all!