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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Swift Kick in the Butt

Oh my goodness. I am dying.

I knew it was going to be more difficult to diet when the rest of the family moved out to The Barn, but I really didn't know how weak my will power was until it actually happened. It died. I don't know the exact moment, but I have a feeling it went something like this:

Ooooo! Pie! Cake! Cookies! Candy! Rice! Bread! NOM NOM NOM NOM!

No! Don't do it! Comicon 2013! Fitbit!

I'm sick of you! *pulls out Rory (my shotgun) and shoots willpower point-blank in the face*

And the feasting began. DON'T get me wrong. I am NOT blaming my family by any means. They have been supremely supportive verbally and in action. There are always tons of veggies at every dinner and I can make my own food if there is an unhealthy option. I and ony I am in charge of my breakfasts, lunches, and snacking. This is all on me.

I have gained 14.6 lbs since the lowest point on this WLJ and am getting dangerously close to 200 again.

Now here I am on a 3-week business trip with my hubby where my only cooking appliance will me a microwave and I am sure we'll be eating out tons. I did have the forethought to bring my Wii. I really wanted to bring my Kinect and Xbox360, but Nick didn't think it would survive the flight here.

Action Plan: I may actually be investing in a Fitbit over the next few days despite my complete failure at the simple goal we set for me and I am planning on using Myfitnesspal more often and opening my food diary to the public again. I also plan to try to blog at least 3 times a week for accountability and sanity's sake.

Hopefully I can resurrect willpower with these steps over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. If you're going to be there that long, stock up on fresh fruits and things. And frozen "health" dinners like lean cuisine may be more expensive than cooking your own food, but definitely cheaper than eating out.
    Maybe your hubby and you can agree on a small goal/motivator for the time you're gone. ex.: Lose at least 5 lbs and get a mani when you get home. Or something like that. Something that seems more attainable that a huge goal. They can be daunting and discouraging.

    Just my 2 cents. :)
