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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Blood Is Thicker Than Anything

There has been a very unfortunate, and public, dissolution of a family I know and it breaks my heart to see.

Some of you may know about my own family issues. If you don't, there's no reason for me to dish out the details. Just trust me that it was/is a horrible situation. Through the climax of the problem, I took it upon myself to try to keep things together. Conversations and interventions took place on several occasions, but nothing worked. After losing my car and going into debt to the tune of around $4500 over trying to her things, I finally gave in that there was nothing I could do. Rather than immediately give it over to God, I gave up on Him for a while. I blamed Him for allowing everything that happened and often wept in despair. Thank goodness for Nick, who never gave up on God. After a few months, I gave it over to God.

That was a year and a half ago.

Are things perfect now? Absolutely not. Are hearts beginning to heal? Yes, for the most part.

There are some hurts that simply cannot go away with a simple "I'm sorry;" even if it's sincere. Some things take time. Some things don't or won't change. But the moral of the story is this: family can overcome anything over the course of time; don't let your problems consume you because it won't solve anything, it will just drive you crazy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. I have no more energy to speak of such things, but your words bring me some sibilance of peace.
