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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter Cleaning

To follow-up on yesterday's blog, donate the stuff you don't use to your local Goodwill or Salvation Army or whatever is there. Some people do Spring Cleaning where they not only clean, but go through their belongings and decide what is worth keeping. I challenge you to do it quarterly. Your home will be less cluttered and you'll be helping a good cause (and if you're like me, assisting in the running of your favorite shopping place).

Besides the material benefits, the Bible is chock full of passages about helping the poor and not storing up treasures here on Earth. You've read about faith without works being dead? Giving a man your coat if he asks for a shirt? "But I have no money to help them!" Maybe not, but I'd wager if you went through your closet, you'd realize just how many items you don't actually use. Someone else can use them!

That brings me to the second point. Don't be a dragon sleeping on your immense pile of treasure in your cave in a far off land. What use is all that gold for a dragon? It's not like they need to buy a house or clothes or food (villagers do just fine). I digress, it's selfish to hold on to things you don't use, but could be useful to others. One too many pans? Donate! Mix-matched sheets? Donate! Clothes you haven't worn in the last 3 months (aside from temperate reasons)? Donate! There is NO reason to keep it!

In the end, you can't take it with you. Your designer clothes and expensive accessories can't be worn through those Pearly Gates. Our real treasure is stored up in Heaven. It's better than any of the rubbish we have here. This world is not our home, so stop acting like it is. Make your short journey here worth it and show the love of Christ.

Donate. Donate. Donate.

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